VAT Consulting

Etusivu/Our services /VAT Consulting

VAT Reclaim

Cash Back offers a comprehensive VAT Reclaim service which includes:

  • Retrieving refundable invoices from the company’s accounting material
  • Knowledge about current VAT legislation in different countries
  • All correspondence with foreign tax authorities, including queries and appeals

Has your company incurred the following expenses in Europe:

  • Hotel and restaurant expenses
  • Exhibition expenses
  • Taxi and other travel expenses
  • Training expenses and course fees
  • Purchase invoices (goods, other services)

Contact us and we can get started with your VAT refund claims!

We also provide free of charge VAT analysis in order to determine your company’s VAT refund potential and to create savings / added value through larger refunds.

Cash Back Travel

Cash Back Travel – booking platform focused on optimising VAT reclaim for CashBack clients

Book your next business travel at

  1. Up to 100% VAT back
  2. Best Prices and Inventory
  3. Perfect VAT compliant invoices

CBT is a global booking platform offering CashBack clients up to 100% of their VAT back on CBT accommodation and car rental bookings. This is a significant cost saving in light of the fact that the average hotel VAT rate in Europe is 15%.

Partnerships with and Europcar, respectively the leading hotel and the leading hotel and car rental providers in Europe ensure the prices and best European inventory for CBT users.

CBT ensures a perfect VAT compliant invoice for every domestic and foreign VAT reclaimable booking – this not only increases the VAT reclaimable amount for domestic and foreign VAT claims but also takes the hassle away from the client in obtaining VAT compliant invoices.

How does CBT increase the number of VAT reclaimable invoices?

In order for companies to reclaim their foreign and domestic VAT on hotel and car rental invoices, VAT compliant invoices are required by the foreign and local tax authorities. There are 3 reasons why companies fail to get a VAT compliant invoice for every booking:

  1. Hotels and car rental invoices are booked on wholesale booking platforms that do not support VAT compliant invoices (most companies are unaware of this fact before they make the booking).
  2. Invoices are not submitted to the accounts Department.
  3. Invoices are submitted to the accounts Department but in non-compliant format.

CBT is a booking platform that ensures a VAT compliant invoice for every domestic and foreign VAT reclaimable bookign. This optimises VAT reclaim for CashBack clients on both their domestic and foreign VAT.

VAT Registration

Our services also include handling foreign VAT registrations and related compliance.  This includes registering for VAT and submitting the periodical VAT returns to foreign tax authorities. In VAT returns we also take into account travel expenses which can increase the amount of deductable VAT considerably. We prepare VAT declarations retrospectively to countries where this is possible. We also manage other EU-reporting, like European sales listings and Intrastat reporting.

With Cash Back you can outsource your foreign VAT compliance either fully or partially in a way that suits you the best.

If your company is planning a project abroad we can also help clarify your VAT circumstances and VAT registration obligations for you.

VAT Consulting

There are a variety of issues relating to VAT where access to specialist knowledge is advantageous. Everything from how to register for VAT in another country, finding your way through local compliance legislation, managing logistics issues in the different European countries or any other VAT issues.

Thanks to our extensive network of local tax experts we are constantly up to date with local and foreign VAT legislation and benefit from having close relations and regular contacts with local authorities and experts. As a client, you benefit from having a single contact point with ready access to our experts and their knowledge. Cash Back provide you with simple, cost effective solutions to your VAT enquiries.

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